Improve your life

Improve Your Life in 2021: How to Change Your Life for the Better

Ahhh a new year is upon us, and let me be the first to say, “thank god!” Every year has its challenges but I think we can all agree that 2020 was pretty rough all around. Sure it had its highs but wow did it have some lows. I know I’m not alone in wanting a fresh start in the new year and wanting to make some positive changes in my life. Full disclosure; I am not a doctor and I am not a life coach… buttt these are all tips that have changed my life and that make me happier and more productive so I thought I would share in the hopes that they can help you too! Here are 20 tips to Improve Your Life in 2021

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1. Make your bed every day – This seems fitting to start with because it is something you should do first thing in the morning. Okay so realistically I don’t do this every single day but I try to do it often, and when I do make my bed I feel way more productive throughout the day and it makes my whole room look 10x cleaner.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others – We are all guilty of this at times but it’s true what they say, comparison really is the thief of joy. Instead of wasting time comparing yourself to others, focus on bettering your life, and achieving your goals.

3. Journal – Journaling can be a great way to relieve stress and get your thoughts out. I like to use my journal for anything and everything, whether that is reflecting on the day, writing down my goals, venting about life, and so on; I write it all in there. It is also a great place to remind yourself of everything you are thankful for, which leads me to the next tip…

4. Express Gratitude – Gratitude has many scientifically proven benefits and can change the way you view life in a major way. Say it out loud, write it in your journal, or even just think about it to yourself. Whatever you do, I can guarantee that if you express gratitude in some way each and every day it will improve your life. I like to write a list of things I am grateful for in my journal each day.

5. Make lists – Grocery lists, to-do lists, goal lists, lists, lists, lists. Lists are a helpful way to alleviate stress and stay on top of things. If you are overwhelmed with tasks, try making a list and prioritizing your tasks from most to least important.

6. Get Organized – I’m talking about organizing your house, your car, your time, organizing your whole life. You’ll feel so much more productive and less stressed when your home is clean and organized. Head over to my Home Organization Tips post for more help in this department. Now as far as organizing your life goes, having either a physical planner, an online calendar, such as google calendar, or having both, can work wonders. If you can’t tell I am a firm believer in the art of, “writing every single thing down so I can straighten out my thoughts and not forget anything.”

7. Purge your house and your closet – Getting rid of stuff you don’t need or use is like crack. Okay maybe not crack but I’m telling you it is addicting and it feels great. I’m pretty sure I get a mild high from getting rid of boxes of old stuff. Go through your closets and donate, sell or toss everything you don’t use, need, or want and anything that is broken beyond repair. Make room for the new!

8. Mediate – Another tip that has a ton of scientific evidence supporting its many benefits. Practicing mindfulness is amazing for your mental health and this is something I also need to get back in the habit of doing. If you are new to meditation try looking up guided videos on youtube or using an app for guidance (I personally use the Calm app).

9. Manifesting and Affirmations – You are probably one of two types of people; either you think this stuff is total BS or you know just how much manifesting and using affirmations can change your life. If you think it is BS just hear me out. Even if you don’t believe the universe is listening and will bring you whatever you ask for, etc. don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, being in the right mindset by saying the things you want out loud and envisioning the future of your dreams will help get you on the right path for success? I mean it definitely can’t hurt and it will open up your mind to new opportunities and get you in the mindset of making the things you want happen. Just give it a try.

10. Set Goals – This is one of those things I use to do and then I’d completely forget about my goals and never make any progress, but I’ve recently realized the importance of setting goals and sticking to them. Set goals, make a plan, and then stick to it! If you need to, have them written out in plain sight so you’re reminded of them every day.

change your life for the better

11. Make me-time a priority – Just as important as putting in work, is taking time to focus on yourself and relax. No matter what your definition of “me time” is, do it. Take a nice bubble bath once a week or once a day, go get your nails done, go on a walk, anything that lets you unwind and focus on recharging yourself.

12. Sleep enough – This amount is different for everyone but I will be the first to admit I am not my best self without a solid 9 hours of sleep. Not getting enough sleep can really affect your mood and your performance so figure out what enough is for you and make it a priority to get enough sleep as often as you can.

13. Exercise – Does anyone else get on a great workout routine for maybe a month or two and then completely get thrown off and not workout for like 6 months? Just me? Even if you are in one of those “I just can’t bring myself to workout” phases try to take a lap or two around the neighborhood every day and just do something to get your body moving. Even a short walk can make you feel so much better physcially and mentally.

14. Read and/or listen to audiobooks or podcasts – Whether for pleasure or for knowledge, reading is crazy good for your brain. If you don’t want to set aside the time to read I get it, but we all have time to listen to a podcast or audiobook while driving, cleaning, or exercising.

15. Drink plenty of water – You were all waiting for it weren’t you. Please show me one “habits to change your life” or “how to be healthier” blog post that doesn’t include drinking more water. You probably can’t. That is because as we all know drinking plenty of water is SO important for our health and wellbeing. We all know it. The trick is actually doing. You can research or ask your doctor to see how much you personally should have each day but things like these time marker water bottles can be an easy and kinda fun way to start drinking more water.

improve your life in 2021

16. Eat healthy food – Again we are all different when it comes to what foods are best for our health and our needs but it’s safe to say that most of us could benefit from improving the foods we eat. I am not suggesting any crazy diets but I am saying that eating more fruits and vegetables and less soda and fries would probably benefit your life. Don’t forget to keep a healthy balance and #treatyoself from time to time.

17. Laugh – Look up the benefits of laughing and smiling it is actually mindblowing how beneficial laughter is for you. Laugh at a movie, laugh with friends, laugh at yourself, just find something to make you laugh, even if you have to fake it at first. You will feel better and when you feel better you are better at life.

18. Forgive – Forgive yourself and forgive others. If someone really doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, forgive them for YOU and then move on without them. Just let the bad feelings go and give yourself the freedom to get on with your life without the negativity holding you back.

19. Make a change – You want to change your life right? Okay then make a change. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as moving or switching careers, although it can be. You could also try taking up a new hobby, take a class join a club, get a haircut, or rearrange your furniture. If you want to get unstuck in your life then make a change and take control of your own life.

20. Find what works for you – Don’t worry if something that works for others doesn’t work for you. Find what works through trial and error and stick with what works for you. And yes, that applies to all of the tips listed above. Find what makes you feel and be your best and then do that!

I hope these tips about how to change your life for the better will help you as much as they help me! Now go on and improve your life in 2021. Be your best self, show up for yourself, make goals and crush them, and majorly improve your life. Remember forming habits takes time and practice. Take it one thing at a time if you need to and keep working towards your goals and in time you will change your life

Recommendations & Resources to Improve Your Life